We Offer Live Chat Support

Phone calls are tiresum and an email response could take hours -- so try our live chat!

The Best Online Coordinators Available In the lower right hand corner of the screen you will see a chat bar that looks like the picture to the right. You can type any question you have into the Live Chat Tab and you will receive a response typically under 2 minutes direclty from our staff

We take a lot of pride in our chat staff. Every staff member that handles our chat requests are highly trained and informed about the procedure, our booking process, and capable of handling virtually any request.

If you have any questions or problems using the chat feel free to also call or email us as well!

Pompeii Surgical

Ready to change your life and get healthy? We can have you approved and financed in as little as 36 hours from the time you submit a surgical eligibility form with us. Qualifying for weight loss surgery is easy and can be done online.
Submit Surgical Eligibility Form


(619) 874-9663

or (619) 431-7826

Fax: (866) 409-5397