Guideline For Booking Your Airline Ticket

General Instructions

Make sure you speak to your patient coordinator to find your exact flying dates before you book your procedure. If you are unsure about these dates please purchase the travel insurance option while you are booking to ensure your tickets are refundable.
  • Your flight needs to arrive before NOON on the day of surgery. You may arrive anytime before noon.
  • Your flight leaving San Diego and returning home needs to depart from NOON till 3 PM.
  • We understand that special circumstances may prevent you from being able to book around these guidelines. Call your patient coordinator and we will find ways to accomidate your needs.

Gastric Sleeve Patients
For Gastric Sleeve patients you will need to purchase the flight departing on the day of surgery. You will spend two nights at the hospital and one night at the Hotel. You will fly back the next morning returning home.

Example: If you fly in on a Monday you would fly home on Thursday morning..

Gastric Bypass Patients
For Gastric Bypass patients you will need to purchase the flight departing on the day of surgery. You will spend two nights at the hospital and two nights at the Hotel. You will fly back the next morning returning home.

Example: If you fly in on a Monday you would fly home on Friday morning..

Revision Surgery to Gastric Bypass Patients
For Revision patients converting to a Gastric Bypass you will need to purchase the flight departing on the day before your surgery. You will arrive the day before your surgery to complete any additional testing or sugical preperation needed. You will spend two nights at the hospital and two nights at the Hotel. You will fly back the next morning returning home.

Example: If your surgery is on Monday then you would fly in on Sunday you would fly home on Friday morning..

Revision Surgery to Gastric Sleeve Patients
For Revision patients converting to a Gastric Sleeve you will need to purchase the flight departing on the day before your surgery. You will arrive the day before your surgery to complete any additional testing or sugical preperation needed. You will spend two nights at the hospital and one nights at the Hotel. You will fly back the next morning returning home.

Example: If your surgery is on Monday then you would fly in on Sunday you would fly home on Thursday morning..

Pompeii Surgical

Ready to change your life and get healthy? We can have you approved and financed in as little as 36 hours from the time you submit a surgical eligibility form with us. Qualifying for weight loss surgery is easy and can be done online.
Submit Surgical Eligibility Form


(619) 874-9663

or (619) 431-7826

Fax: (866) 409-5397